Sunday, January 29, 2006

Out of the Comfort Zone

I had a nice yoga session on Friday, because Saturday was going to be a long aerobic workout.

The original plan was for Sue and I to go to a cycling class at the gym, but the day was bright and warm, downright Spring-like, and so we decided on some outdoor running. I ran two miles with Sue, and then I turned to do a very difficult, never-tried-it run over the "mountain" to Port Matilda and back. Going to Port Matilda, the hill is shorter (maybe a third of a mile) and steep in places. Coming back, though, the climb is brutal: two-thirds of a mile climbing, with little steep sections every few hundred yards. I definitely considered walking for a while, but I just playing the "just get to that sign" game. I stuck it out, though, so yeah, me!

Today I did the EEE-GAD workout, and I am just about to roll out for a volleyball double-header. I just found out that we will be short-handed, so that will require some extra effort. I hope my training has served me well.

Friday, January 27, 2006

Below the waistline

The last two days have been all about lower-body strength. On Wednesday, I ran hard intervals on a 6.85-lap per mile indoor track. First I ran ten laps at a moderate pace, then I rested for a lap, and then I did one-and-a-halfs: I ran as hard as I could for a lap, then walked half a lap, then ran again for a lap, and so on. 5 reps of those were enough, even though I managed to save the fastest lap for the last.

Then yesterday was lower-body day at the gym. To change things up, I did the supine leg curls as opposed to the seated variety. What an ego-crusher that was! I was struggling through the leg presses, but I was able to increase the weight on my squats and still keep my form and focus.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Six Benefits of Eating Whole Grains

Nubella has an interesting item today: Six Benefits of Eating Whole Grains

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Strength training continues..

Here is a quick overview of the last few days.
  • Friday: EEE-GAD
  • Saturday: My father-in-law came to visit, so there was no time for working out. And then after dinner I was sick as the proverbial dog. But I did walk around the mall for an hour.
  • Sunday: EEE-GAD, and then volleyball. (We won again, coming from behind in all three games to remain perfect in '06.)
  • Monday: A short yoga, during which my right arm suddenly went totally numb. I think it is due to extra stress at work, which causes me to hunch my shoulders.
  • Tuesday: Upper body at the gym. I felt really strong the whole time, in spite of last night's weirdness.
I need to get in some hard cardio, so I think I will do some intervals tomorrow.

Friday, January 20, 2006

Keep Doing Pilates For Toning, Flexibility, Just Don't Expect Cardiovascular Benefits, Study Shows - Nubella

Nubella confirms that one type of exercise ain't gonna get it done for you. From the article: ...incorporate Pilates into a total program that involved diet and other forms of exercise. [emphasis mine]

Keep Doing Pilates For Toning, Flexibility, Just Don't Expect Cardiovascular Benefits, Study Shows - Nubella

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Vital Statistics

While I was at the gym today, they were doing body composition analysis. So I had one done. Keep in mind that this was a bio-impedance machine, so there are caveats built in.

Height: 6' 0"
Weight: 154.0 lbs.
BMI: 20.9
Fat %: 12
Hydration %: 64

Summing up the last few days

I've been slacking on the posts, I know. But I have to spend my time working or working out, so sometimes the blog has to wait a little. Here's the recap of the last few days:

* Saturday: yoga
* Sunday: EEE-GAD, and then a volleyball game in the evening. (We were short-handed, too, and had to play 4-on-6, but we still won handily).
* Monday: a rest day.
* Tuesday: inner light meditation in the morning, and then upper-body strength training. Good workout today!
* Wednesday: meditation, and then I will do lower-body strength training.

What have you been up to?

Update: I struggled mightily through the lower body workout today. My knees just wouldn't loosen up. But I didn't quit; I only wanted to.

Friday, January 13, 2006

A quick run

This evening after work I did a quick 5-mile run. It's been unseasonably warm here this week, which is bumming me a little because I want to go snowboarding, but it did make for nice running conditions. I felt strong after 5 miles: I could have easily done ten. But I had to get home to tend the herd.
One or two long runs a week should be sufficient to keep the engine in shape.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

That's more like it

I did the lower-body workout on Tuesday, and I think I might need to take the weight up a little on the squats. But I was really struggling through the leg extensions.

Today I did upper body again, and it was much better than Monday's effort. I lost focus just a little during the last few seconds of barbell curls, and I had to put my foot down for about fifteen seconds on the last set of triceps. I did the first minute, and then about 45 seconds into the second set my muscles failed. I kept going with one foot down until there were 10 seconds left, and then I finished up strong. I'll need to remember that for next time.

Monday, January 09, 2006

Training in the Iron Temple

This week I turn my focus back to strength training, after concentrating on cardio for the last couple of months. At 151 pounds, I know I can run a marathon, but I don't feel like I have strength for anything else. Where's the balance in that?

Today I did upper body, and my focus was just not good. I finished dips and triceps thinking how much better I could have done them. I plan to do the upper body again Wednesday or Thursday, and I can't wait to improve on today's sorry-ass performance.

Friday, January 06, 2006

Heal Thyself!

Nubella has an interesting study that indicates that people who exercise heal their wounds more quickly than those that don't.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

What's next for me?

After the Resolution 5K, I was talking with Morgan, and she asked me, "what's next for you"?

Interesting question.

There are no races in the immediate future: the next local 5K is in April. I definitely want to snowboard, and try snowshoeing and cross-country skiing (assuming it ever snows again). But mostly I think I need to get to strength training more rigorously. I'd been concentrating a lot on cardio leading up to the half-marathon, and I am now down to 152 lbs (at 6'0"). My muscles feel neglected.

I plan to go to the Iron Temple four times a week. Upper body one day, lower body the next, then an off day, and then upper body day followed by lower body. Of course, I'll still be mixing in cardio, yoga, and meditation; but the main focus for the next six weeks or so will be strength training.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

From the world of Duh!

Nubella has an article which should is surprising in it's obviousness...

Poor Fitness Associated With Increase In Prevalence Of Cardiovascular Disease

Medical News Today on Interval Training

Medical News Today has an interesting article, "Interval Training Can Help The Overweight Burn 600% More Fat In 2006."

The article presents several advantages of interval training for weight loss versus traditional cardio training.

Weekend review

On Saturday I ran the Resolution 5K. I felt terrible almost the entire time, the result of having Indian food for lunch, I suspect. My ego was telling me to quit on the first hill, less than a mile in, when people started passing me. But I stuck it out and kept pressing to a new PR. I was a little bit short of my goal, but I finished knowing I could not have done any more than I did.

You can read the full account here.