Saturday, October 29, 2005


I think it was the shoes. I did a 10-mile run this morning, and cardio-wise it was no problem. But my knees are really sore right now. While I was running, the left one would sting when I went downhill. Now my right knee hurts worse just walking.
I'm skipping yoga tonight, and I'll try it tomorrow instead.

Friday, October 28, 2005

Ready for the Weekend

I plan on running ten miles tomorrow; I'm really looking forward to it. I'll probably do yoga after: I find it an excellent way to warm down. And then Sunday I might run in a 5K, after which is volleyball. I need to figure out when to hit the gym, too. Something's gotta give!

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Busy, busy, busy

I can't remember when I've had so much stuff going on. It's all I can do to make time to work out, let alone post pity little messages about it. But today was lower-body day, and my vastus medialis is still singing. It's doing a duet with gastrocnemius.

I am planning on running 10 miles this weekend, and then possibly doing a 5K the following day. Wish me luck!

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Did you miss me?

It's been a crazy week. I can't remember when I've had so much going on at one time. Even my workouts have suffered neglect. Today is a miserable, cold, rainy day, so I nice long yoga was in order. That was followed by some "domestic meditation" as I performed some handyman stuff and did some cleaning.

I'm taking a seat for the first time in many hours right now. I might try to get out for a very damp run this evening. I've got to work those in whenever I can if I want to be ready for the half-marathon on Dec. 3.

Monday, October 17, 2005

Climbing the Mountain

I've decided that I am going to run a half-marathon in December, and from what I hear it's a very tough, hilly course. So I've been taking up the distances that I've been running, and making sure to test myself with hills whenever possible.

About two miles from my house there is a country road that goes up and over a ridge. I'd say it rises 800 feet or so in 3/4 of a mile. I had always been intimidated by this hill: there are some really steep sections where even my trusty Passat complains. But Saturday morning I got up, and I determined that I was going to run that hill. It was a gorgeous day for it, too. The sun was out (at least partially) for the first time in a week, and the leaves are starting to turn in earnest.

I ran the two miles to the intersection, crossed over, and started climbing. And you know what? I kicked that hill's ass! It was so much easier than I thought it would be. I turned around a little bit after the summit, and ran back home. I wasn't even all that tired. So next time, I am going to run all the way over it, down into the next valley, and then turn around and come back. I have a feeling it's much tougher coming the other way, but I'm up for it.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

It's been a long week

...and it's only Wednesday.

I did the EEE-GAD workout on Saturday, and the gym was broiling hot. I took the weights way up for the leg extensions and back squats, which I think was a mistake that haunted me the following day. I was really looking forward to the Knights of Columbus 5K Sunday. You can read the details about the race here. I missed my goal by 13 lousy seconds, but I know I could not have gone any harder than I did. That night I played volleyball. There were a couple of times where I had no height in my jumps, but strangely at the end of the night I was playing with renewed energy.

Monday was a rest day, and a much-needed one at that. I was so tired, and work is very hectic this week. Sue and I did lower body yesterday. One thing I found strange was that the first three sets of back squats were really easy. I was thinking to myself that next time I needed to take the weight up. But then after the first round of jump squats, the last set of back squats was killer. It took all my focus to make sure I held my posture and breathing, and squatted all the way down. But then the second round of jump squats was (relatively) easy. And for my last set of leg extensions, I decided not to go down in weight, but to tough it out at the higher weight I used for the first round. The last 20 seconds of those were rough, but I did it. And I took the weight up for calf raises, with the same result. I was proud of my work.

Today is yoga as soon as Sue finishes work. It's exactly what my body wants.

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Catching you up

Wednesday Sue and I did our upper-body workout. I have to say that I didn't feel so strong during that session.

Thursday I did the longest run in my life: 8.2 miles, with a couple of large hills at the beginning. And even though the last 4+ miles were flat or downhill, I was still surprised at how good I felt: I could have easily kept going for many more miles.

Yesterday I did yoga, which was just what I needed. Downward dog never felt so good.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

An Evening with Morgan Spurlock

Last night Sue and I went to hear a lecture by Morgan Spurlock, of SuperSize Me! fame. If you get a chance, go. He was very funny and informative, and there's a lot to think about.

Catching up from the weekend, I did some intervals on Friday. (Note: running intervals after having Subway for lunch is not a good combo.) Saturday I picked up about 2,000 apples, and then I ran the weed-eater and mowed the lawn. Sunday Sue and I stacked firewood for about 2 hours. Then I went to play volleyball. I was a disappointed in my play: I kept making all these mental mistakes. Grrrr!

Today I did my lower-body workout over lunch. I am planning on doing a very challenging run on Thursday evening, leading up to some 5K races this month, and then the Nittany Valley Half Marathon in December. It's a plan.

Monday, October 03, 2005

More news from Duh!

Here's a study that says that yoga is good for you. Science is amazing.