Saturday, July 30, 2005

Intervals, and then some

I needed to get in some cardio, and some running miles. Yesterday was interval training day, but I felt like I needed more. So first I ran an easy 5K. Then I rested for a few minutes, and then I started the intervals. To add some more intensity, I did them on a very hilly course. I felt strong the whole time, although I never felt fast: somewhere I need to incorporate some speed training. My recovery times were much improved, which I think I owe to the work of Dr. Ennis, my chiropractor. I actually added an extra uphill interval at the end because I was feeling so good.

Friday, July 29, 2005

Round 2, Day 3

Sue and I did the upper body workout yesterday. And I felt strong the whole time. Until the second set of two-bench triceps, where I was forced to put a foot down. Then again, I did weigh in at a hefty (for me) 157.8 lbs., so maybe it was all that extra weight.
The menu:
Fake sausage and egg on whole-wheat bread.
12" Veggie Patty from Subway
Grilled corn and home-made pizza.
It was nice sitting out and looking at the stars.


Thursday, July 28, 2005

Round 2, Day 2

Not that we needed the validation, but it seems that the medical community is catching on to the benefits of meditation, according to NPR.

Yesterday Sue and I did a little two-wheel meditation, biking the 9 miles from work to home. Along the way, some men in a pick-up yelled something out the window as they drove by us. It could have been encouragement, but I doubt it. Of course, over the sounds of the traffic and the wind rushing through my helmet, it was indecipherable. But it's not like this is the first time such a thing has happened, and I couldn't help but wonder what possible motivation people would have to yell out their window at us.
When we got home, we did an hour of yoga. It took me a while to get my focus into it. It wasn't until I did tree pose that it really started to click.
Yesterday's menu:
Breakfast: Yogurt and Granola with fresh strawberries
Lunch: leftover torellina and jicama salad
Dinner: home-made burritos with black beans and brown rice.
Snacks: two granola bars, and some trail mix.

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Green Tara: the next round

Sue and I started Green Tara again yesterday. I've been cleared by the chiropractor to "go hard," although I still need to avoid weighted squat exercises.
Yesterday we did the lower body workout. I felt I was doing quite well find focus and mindfulness (the phrase "tiger-like gaze" kept going through my mind). I tried to remember to Dan Millman's lesson of "relaxed strength." This served me well until that last set of leg extensions, where everything broke down.
Yesterday's menu:
Yogurt and Granola with fresh strawberries
Peanut Butter Granola Bar
CousCous with chickpeas and raisins (not nearly as good as I'd hoped)
Pineapple and grapes
Jicama Salad
Three-cheese torellini
A s'more (which was really too much)
Also, I found an article on DNC in which the medical community discovers that exercise can actually treat clinical depression. Thanks for joining the rest of us.

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Hello, WF World!

Coach Ilg and the WF community have made me feel so welcome. I am humbled and grateful for your support.

Yesterday Sue and I took a short run: it was just so nice to enjoy the sunshine after being trapped in my cube at work all day. Then we went to the gym to lift. I understand that I need to quash my ego, and focus on lifting with elegance. The goal is to find the edge where I am challenged, but still working with form, mindfulness, and breath. I must confess that I still fight the thought that I should be lifting more weight. My ego is strong, but my spirit is stronger.

Today Sue and I rode our bikes the 9.5 miles from work, up and down hills. I wore a smile when I passed the cars that were stuck in traffic. Then we had an amazing yoga practice ("Unlocking Athletic Power" by Baron Baptiste).

I thank you all again for your kind words and thoughts.


Wednesday, July 20, 2005

On mindfulness and nutrition

What is not meant to be, will not be. I had plans yesterday to lift weights, then I changed my mind and decided to do yoga. But other responisibilites stepped in, and neither happened. At first I found that a little frustrating, but then I remembered that this is supposed to be a rest week. The forces had acted on my behalf, and I bow to them.

I have a friend who is a clinical nutritionist. While she is not of the "bad food, good food" bunch, she and I disagree that proper nutrition means listening to what your body wants. She says that people would then eat nothing but doughnuts and candy. But I say that is listening to what your brain wants, rather than listening to your body.
Case in point: I went to Panera for lunch today, because I wanted a salad. Now, I have an absolute weakness for their orange scones. And since I was there, I was all set to get myself one. But I become aware that the desire for one was not coming from my body: my brain was telling me how good an orange scone would be. And once I realized that it was not the visceral desire that made me want the scone, I wanted it no more. That's not to say that I'll never want one: it was only in that moment that I did not.


Monday, July 18, 2005

Rest interval

I ran the Arts Fest 10K yesterday. You can read all about it on my other blog.

Indications are that this needs to be a rest week. My recovery time has been a little lagging, and I've been feeling somewhat fatigued over the last couple of weeks. So I'm taking it easy this week, before starting the Green Tara again next week.


Thursday, July 14, 2005

Still working it

Tuesday I ran the Arts Fest 10K course. Wow did I ever bonk! It think it was the combo of the heat, not enough calories in my tummy, and a Loop bus who's exhaust stole the air from my lungs.
Yesterday I did the lower body workout. Since I'm still not doing squats, I did a super-set of leg press and jump squats: that second set of jump squats was absolutely brutal! For a moment, I thought I might hurl.
Very tired this morning. I've already decided that a run is not the thing today: I'll lift upper body. Three days to the 10K.

Monday, July 11, 2005

Rest Day

Yesterday Sue and I did the full-body workout at the gym. For the first time, I made it through both sets of triceps without bailing out. Although on the second set my muscles failed with about two seconds to go: I was still pushing when time expired, but not lifting.
We spent most of the rest of the day sitting outside reading, and then we took the dogs out on the trail. They got a lot more exercise than we did, but then they always do.
I'm taking a rest day today: I'm feeling "well trained," as Coach Ilg would say. Looking ahead to the 10K this Sunday, I'm going to change around my schedule a little. I'll run tomorrow and Thursday, and lift Wednesday and Friday, and then yoga Saturday.
I wish me luck.

Saturday, July 09, 2005

Summary of the last three days

I haven't been able to post for a while: swamped at work, and no desire to be near a computer outside of work. But still working as best I can. Here's the summary:
Thursday: meditation, which I had to cut short because I was just too figity. And then lower-body workout. I still can't do squats, so instead I did leg press "envelope style."
Friday: Ran 6 miles. It was weird, I didn't start to feel really good until mile 4. I wanted to go further, but it started to rain. Which would still have been OK except that I had left the windows in the car down.
Saturday. Really good meditation, and then Sue and I biked 20 miles. Still feeling good later, I ran the weed-eater and mowed the lawn. Now I'm feeling a little tired, but good tired.


Thursday, July 07, 2005

Yoga day

Yesterday I was feeling a little tired. Maybe we stayed up too late de-skunking the dogs. At any rate, I did "Soul of Strength" yoga. My eagle pose was terrible, but I managed to shape up for tree.

Monday, July 04, 2005

Day 28

I've come to the end of the first 4-week cycle of Green Tara. I do not feel ready to move on. Between my running training and injuries, I did not give it the full attention it needs. I will continue to do the weight training, while I get ready for Arts Fest 10K, and then I will go through it again.


Sunday, July 03, 2005

Days 26 & 27

I didn't do much yesterday. Last night, Sue and I ran the course for the Fourth Fest 4K. Today, we cleaned the house, and then I went to the gym for the total body workout. I made a change today with the "envelope" technique used in the barbel curls at seated row: for the two middle sets, I took the weight way up. I enjoyed the extra effort on the two middle sets, and it made the last set easier, I think.

Friday, July 01, 2005


Today I went to the track on campus to do intervals. I was going to swim, but it looked like some swim camp or something was going on. Damn kids.
Anyway I did my sprints, which given my innate pokiness is a very generous use of the term, and I felt pretty OK. Then my did my 3-minute bursts, which are supposed to be like 70% of maximum effort. I was getting in one and a half laps in 3 minutes, my perceived sloth hurting my ego. When I was done, I checked the sign again. Apparently a mile is roughly 3.5 laps. So I was doing like 6:30 miles, and not pushing it all out. I am now very excited about the 4K on July 4.
After I got home, I took the dogs for a mile or so walk. Here's a mindfulness exercise for you: when you walk, try to keep both feet perfectly straight. Take your normal stride, just don't turn your feet out. Try to feel where on your foot you are impacting the ground, and what's the last place to touch earth when you step. Is the same on both the right and left foot?
My second chiropractic visit went well, really just one vertebra stuck forward a little (C5 for those of you scoring at home). But I was definitely breathing better when I left, and I can get my arms up to my head without burning agony in my shoulders.
Breakfast: Yogurt and granola with fresh strawberries and blueberries
Lunch: Grilled veggie burrito from Qdoba.
Dinner: Two Morningstar Farms Chik Patties on whole wheat english muffins
Snacks: Granola bar, chocolate chip cookie
Drinks: OJ, 2 20-oz waters, a 16-oz gatorade, and some a Killian's Irish Red.