Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Getting Back To It

I know, it's been a while. A long while. I'm sure whatever fan base I may have had at one point has long since dried up. But you're here, and that is all that matters.

This has been a difficult season for me. I've had lots of nagging injuries and illnesses, and time has been at a premium. I really wanted to do a lot more this season than I have. I've done nothing, really. The forces of fate have held me down, or more precisely I've allowed them to hold me down. It is time to get back up.

As Coach Ilg says, begin again and again.

So this blog will be a diary of rehabilitation and recovery. I need to get back to my training schedule, and to test myself again. Stop making excuses, start making the effort. I also need to get back to writing, every day, even when I need to force myself to do it. Even when I have nothing to say. Even when I know I am just throwing shit up here, for all to see, comment on, criticize, whatever.

Your support makes me stronger, and so does your derision.

Best of luck to you all,


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